"UNVEILED" a screenplay drama
Based on the book, "Unveilings, A Desert Journey."

Me with Shelvy Snead. We've been a writing team for ten years.
After the September 11, 2001 tragedy, I, Patricia Clark Taylor, left my work on Capitol Hill to write about crucial events in the 70s and 80s in the Middle East because the general public knew little about those dynamic years. By 2004, I was constructing a book at Shelvy's home in Maryland. I first published "Unveilings, A Desert Journey" in 2006. Our movie script, published December 2015, emerged in book format at BEA this year.
Southern authors. I'm in the center with Georgia writers on either side.
Occasionally we writers crawl out of our writing caves to show off our work!

Just before the show, buyers and sellers from around the world are ready to do their job!
"Unveilings" is my story of events in Riyadh, Cairo, and Tel Aviv from 1973 to 1983...as I lived them.
That's me on the cover at the Riyadh Camel Race in 1976.

"The Script Unveiled" is the screen story developed from "Unveilings" as a work of fiction.